
Marche- Città di Urbino ( Urbino town)
Region of Central Italy, with Ancona as capital city, Marche is one of the hilliest regions of Italy: the highland comprises the 69% of the territory, the lowlands, which are not detectable in percentage, are limited to a narrow coastline and to the areas closer to the mouths of rivers. The artistic heritage is remarkable: the cities are full of zones with medieval atmosphere or with traces from the eighteenth century; they have the appearance of the Renaissance "ideal" city, when they used to be the capitals of small republics. It is common to find in the urban centre, still surrounded by city walls, ancient commercial sites and places of power, squares very close to the ancient Roman roads, palaces of ancient noble families or spiritual sites and ecclesiastical offices. The regional culinary tradition is characterized by simple dishes, made with high quality ingredients, with strong flavours of wild herbs. The plentiful salami, as well as the "Fossa Cheese" and "pecorino in barrell" are very tasty. The region is also famous for the production of egg-pasta and "crescia", which gives origin to the famous "piadina romagnola"( a sandwich wrap). Very important a fish soup or broth called “brodetto di pesce”, as well, a specialty of the Adriatic area.